Terms of Service
It's sad but we felt we should add a little legalese...
- Only humans please - no automated encode/decode requests. Webcrawlers are welcome as long as they obey the Standard for Robot Exclusion.
- If you encode a message (either with or without a password)
with Spam Mimic and it is somehow decoded or decrypted by your enemy
- too bad for you. We assume no responsibility.
- We try to stay up as much as possible but if an outage
on our - or our ISP's part inconveniences you (eg you miss an excellent BBQ because
you could not decode a spam-encoded message telling you about it) - sorry.
We assume no responsibility.
- In general, all use of Spam Mimic is at your own risk.
- Privacy Policy: We do not log the content of messages. We keep access logs (ie what pages were visited) a week for traffic summaries then they are wiped.
Copyright © 2000-2025 spammimic.com, All rights reserved